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Старый 12.01.2008, 04:11
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Регистрация: 23.12.2007
Адрес: Киев
Сообщений: 72
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Agency for Social Information (ASI)
To continue collecting and distributing information on the activities of NGOs and other events of importance for civil society via a network of correspondents and affiliate offices in 27 regions of Russia. ASI will edit and sort this information, publish it on its website, and issue regular email bulletins with news items.

Andrei Sakharov Museum and Public Center
To organize a competition among public school teachers for the best lesson plan on the history of totalitarianism and political repression in the USSR. In each region, a jury will select the best entries to be sent to Moscow where a group of finalists will be determined. The finalists will travel to Moscow for a conference on techniques for teaching about political repression.

Center for Civic Education and Human Rights
To expand its program of teacher training, human rights curriculum development, and publication. The Center will continue its training courses for teachers and will continue to teach courses on human rights in schools throughout the region. The Center will also work with regional educational authorities to expand the teaching of human rights and integrate the subject more thoroughly into the regional curriculum.

Center for International Private Enterprise
To reduce corruption and combat undemocratic control mechanisms in leasing and construction for small and medium-sized businesses. CIPE, along with the Regional Public Foundation "Information Science for Democracy" (INDEM Foundation), will identify corrupt practices in three Russian regions by analyzing relevant legislation and its impact on private sector development, develop recommendations for business owners on how to combat corruption and rigid state oversight, organize roundtables, and advocate to raise public awareness of the damaging effects of state capitalism in the private sector.

Center for Public Information (CPI)
To help nongovernmental organizations work more effectively with the media through a program of press releases and press conferences, as well as monitoring the media's coverage of human rights topics and publishing the Chronicle of the Moscow Helsinki Group. CPI expects to issue around 1,500 press releases and organize about 150 press conferences on behalf of human rights and civil society organizations.

Center for Social Projecting "Vozrozhdeniye"
To conduct a program to increase the flow of information between NGOs in different regions. Vozrozhdenie will organize visits of NGO leaders to Pskov oblast, where Vozrozhdenie is located, and carry out its traditional monitoring of local politics and public opinion polling.

Center for the Development of Democracy and Human Rights
To monitor proceedings in the Russian parliament and produce a monthly bulletin containing analyses of pending legislation and parliamentary activity. In addition, six bimonthly issues will be devoted to analysis of special topics relevant for civil society and human rights defense, such as reform of the political system, army, health care, judicial, housing, and pensions.

Center for Trade Union Education
To maintain local reception offices staffed by lawyers specializing in labor law, who will consult with individuals on violations of labor laws, monitor collective bargaining agreements in their region and conduct public hearings on salary issues. The Center will also organize roundtables on the role of unions in salary negotiations and a series of seminars on labor relations and negotiating processes.

Chechen Committee for National Salvation
To provide legal aid and protect refugees remaining in Ingushetia and those who return to Chechnya. The Committee will operate out of its headquarters in Ingushetia, and will maintain permanent offices in the cities of Grozny, Urus-Martan, and Gudermes in Chechnya. The Committee will also distribute frequent press releases on developments in the region.

Chelyabinsk Regional Public Fund "Helping Hand"
To continue its program of legal assistance and human rights education and training. Helping Hand's "Human Rights Ambulance" will continue to offer free legal aid and will provide assistance to inmates in the regional prison system and their families. Helping Hand's Human Rights School will continue to provide courses on human rights, democracy, and civic activism.

Environmental and Human Rights Center "Bellona"
To publish its journal, Ecology and Human Rights, which will examine the closely-related issues of the environment, government, and human rights and will provide objective information about developments in the environmental protection movement. This year, Bellona will limit its publication schedule in order to take advantage of the potential of the Internet to reach a wider audience.

Fund for Rehabilitation and Development
To support a program that will inform Chechens about the advantages of the rule of law as an alternative to violence. The Fund will organize a series of monthly seminars in Chechnya's leading universities and will publish an information bulletin and organize television programs and newspaper publications to distribute information about the project throughout Chechnya.

Golos NGO Coalition
To continue its program to increase public participation in the regional and local legislatures of four Siberian cities. In each of the four regions, Golos will organize a series of six public forums and two large scale summits to bring together deputies from the regional legislature with representatives of local nongovernmental organizations, interest groups, and active citizens.

Historical Educational, Human Rights Defense and Charitable Society "Memorial," Ryazan
To publish the journal Karta, which has become one of Russia's leading human rights publications. Past issues have examined Soviet and Russian history, human rights work, civic education, and government policy towards NGOs. The journal will be distributed to other NGOs, local government officials, university libraries, and used in Ryazan Memorial's civic education programs.

Independent Council of Legal Expertise
To monitor legislative developments in the state Duma and regional legislatures. The Council will prepare commentary on particularly significant pieces of draft legislation and the extent to which they correspond with constitutional and international norms. The Council will also develop draft laws for reforming the Russian judicial system, assist the Russian NGO community, and draw attention to major defects of the Russian legal system.

Independent Press Center Foundation
To organize a number of press conferences on behalf of nongovernmental organizations and assist in organizing other events on behalf of the NGO community. The journalists taking part in these conferences are normally those who are suppressed by the government and state media and have no alternative outlet for their news.

Information Agency "Memo.ru"
To maintain and expand its website devoted to the Caucasus, the Caucasus Switchboard. The website will continue to provide regularly updated news on events in the Caucasus region, analytical pieces, and information on the activities of civil society groups. Caucasus Switchboard is now the most frequently visited NGO website in Russia and attracts readers from 25 countries.

Information and Analytical Center "Sova"
To monitor and oppose cooperation between ostensibly mainstream politicians and extreme nationalists. The Center will also organize a series of roundtables and seminars with experts on radical nationalism and others. It will produce daily, monthly, and quarterly electronic reports on its monitoring, and will print 1,000 copies of a 200-page report on the project.

Information Research Center "Panorama"
To write and print ten brochures containing basic information necessary for young democrats, including information on such topics as fundamental aspects of democracy, ways to engage allies and opponents in a constructive dialogue, and facts about the Russian government.

Institute for Information Freedom Development
To conduct a program of legal research and legal support to NGOs which are trying to obtain information from the Russian government. The Institute's staff will investigate how the Russian government practice complies with its own laws. The Institute will also help other NGOs submit requests for information to the Russian government, monitor the government's response, and make recommendations.

International Protection Center
To offer free legal representation to individuals who have exhausted all possibilities in the Russian legal system and wish to pursue their cases in the European Court or with the United Nations' Committee on Human Rights. The Center's lawyers will help plaintiffs submit their documents and will also participate in cases in the Russian court system.

International Republican Institute
To emphasize issue identification, message development, and communications strategies as a way for democratic parties to re-engage with constituents. IRI will conduct a series of national and regional opinion polls as well as focus groups to accurately assess voter trends in order to help regional political parties develop small-scale, regionally-specific communications campaigns. IRI hopes to develop a group of regional party leaders who have gained a detailed understanding of public opinion polling as a political/campaign technology.

International Republican Institute
To establish a "Municipal Club" to serve as an informal organization for municipal leaders and local government experts. The Club will serve as an alternative to government-affiliated "unions of cities," and will help to combine the efforts of leading experts and participants in the "municipal world" to encourage the development of democratic local government. Club activities will include weekly meetings on subjects relevant to local government, training events in the regions, publication of training materials, and developing a single internet resource for local government activists.

International Republican Institute
To facilitate internships for promising young leaders of organizations in Russia, Eurasia, and Eastern Europe. IRI plans to solicit up to 200 nominations from NGOs and emerging youth movements in six different regions of Russia, ultimately selecting up to 45 internship participants. General focus areas will include strategic planning, organizational development, recruitment and volunteer strategies, single-issue and advocacy campaigns, and communications and media strategy.

Interregional Foundation for Civil Society
To conduct a small grants program to assist regional human rights groups. Past projects have included support for legal aid offices, prison monitoring projects, defense of draftees' rights, and monitoring of voters' rights in local elections. The Interregional Foundation for Civil Society will distribute small grants to 15 to 20 human rights organizations across Russia.

Interregional Social Organization "Society for Russian-Chechen Friendship"
To combat the "information blockade" against independent news from Chechnya. The Society's correspondents in Chechnya and Ingushetia will write frequent reports, which will be distributed by e-mail as press releases. The Society, in conjunction with the Nizhny Novgorod Society for Human Rights, will also publish a monthly 32-page newspaper, Pravo-zashchita, with a circulation of 5,000 copies.

Kaliningrad Youth Organization "Tsunami"
To promote human rights among young people in Russia's Kaliningrad oblast through a three-part program. Tsunami will organize four roundtables, conduct 16 training workshops, produce four informational leaflets, publish three bulletins, and open four legal aid centers. The program will take place in four small cities in Kaliningrad.

Kazan Human Rights Center
To train Russian NGO staff and provide direct legal aid to NGOs which have become the target of government pressure. The Center will conduct three-day training seminars for NGO staffers on various security skills appropriate for their job responsibilities. The Center will also investigate reports of harassment and help organizations develop a public relations response to defend their reputation.

LAM Center for Complex Research and Popularization of Chechen Culture
To promote democratic ideals and practices throughout the Chechen Republic and Chechen diaspora. LAM will conduct a series of roundtables for the leaders of Chechen NGOs and political figures; continue to publish its bulletin, Vestnik LAM; provide support for other Chechen NGOs; research social conditions and public opinion; and work with other Chechen media to increase their visibility and impact.

LATTA Center
To reach out across the divisions which have appeared in Chechen civil society and to restart a dialogue among Chechens about how best to build a new, democratic future for the region. LATTA will organize two large conferences aimed at raising democratic values in Chechen society and will conduct regular seminars on Chechen history and culture for university students and secondary school teachers.

Memorial - Ekaterinburg
To maintain basic operations. Memorial - Ekaterinburg will open two permanent exhibits, operate a library and a reading room with democratic newspapers and periodical publications that will be open to the public, maintain an archive, operate a video center and an Internet-equipped classroom, and operate a public legal aid reception office.

Moscow Group of Assistance to the Implementation of the Helsinki Accords
To strengthen mechanisms of public monitoring of human rights violations while encouraging greater cooperation between NGOs in investigating such incidents. The Group will conduct a working group to select a total of 6 incidents, dispatch a team to investigate them, and offer assistance to victims. Reports on these incidents will be published and distributed.

Moscow Helsinki Group (MHG)
To support its networking and public outreach programs. Endowment funds will be used primarily to pay for MHG staff salaries and rental of a building in downtown Moscow. Part of the office space rented will be made available at a reduced rate to NGOs that are closely affiliated with MHG, including other Endowment grantees.

Mothers of Chechnya for Peace Association
To fund investigations of disappearances and provide legal aid to the affected families. The Mothers will conduct research into individual cases and will also compile a database of disappearances; this information will be used to help compile a report on the issue. In addition, the Mothers will open a legal clinic to help Chechen families locate the remains of their dead.

Murmansk Association of Women Journalists
To develop public service journalism in three regions of the Russian northwest. The Association will organize two sessions: to focus on the practices of municipal government, and to help journalists improve their reporting skills on local politics. Following each session, Association staff will remain in contact with the participants to monitor the impact of the training on their work and to provide support.

National Democratic Institute for International Affairs
To strengthen the capability of NGOs and to build connections between civil society groups. NDI will continue its cooperation with the Golos Coalition to monitor elections and government activities. In addition, NDI will assist the organizers of the Civic Congress in transforming their one-day event into a movement in support of democratic reform. NDI will emphasize youth involvement in these groups and will help to establish a nationwide network of democratic activists.

National Democratic Institute for International Affairs
To complement a USAID-funded program in Russia that will provide technical assistance to nonpartisan domestic election efforts. NDI will concentrate on assisting existing parties with registration and re-registration, then on longer-term political party building efforts. With these funds, NDI hopes to foster one or two democratic parties as eligible participants for the 2007 Duma elections.

Nizhny Novgorod Committee Against Torture
To monitor the use of torture in Chechnya and initiate investigations of specific cases. In the event that the Prosecutor's Office is unwilling to pursue the case, the Committee will pursue the case itself through the Russian court system and the European Court of Human Rights. Finally, the Committee will attempt to increase public awareness of the frequent use of torture.

Ozersk City Social and Ecological Public Organization "Planeta Nadezhd"
To finance research, seminars for NGO leaders and officials from closed cities (ZATOs) throughout the Urals region, and public information and lobbying activities. Planeta Nadezhd will carry out a three part program of analysis and human rights defense; monitoring, training, and lobbying to improve conditions within ZATOs; and publication of a newspaper to inform inhabitants of Ozersk about their rights.

Perm-36 Memorial Museum of the History of Political Repression and Totalitarianism
To expand the museum's capacity to handle larger groups of visitors. The museum has become a popular site for school trips and with the completion of a road from Perm to Chusovoi, the town nearest the camp, it is likely to become even more popular. The museum will furnish a visitors' center and restore other facilities which were damaged in a fire in October 2003.

Russian Association of Civic Education
To hold the ninth Russian Civic Education Olympiad. Students from throughout Russia will submit essays on democracy and civic participation. The best essays will be examined by a committee of experts in civic education, and finalists will travel to Moscow for additional competition that will include further written and oral examination.

Soldiers' Mothers of St. Petersburg
To assist draftees and servicemen in defending their rights through a program of training and education. Soldiers' Mothers will conduct its Human Rights School for recruits and their families and will organize follow-up workshops for smaller groups. Soldiers' Mothers will also assist runaway soldiers who have suffered abuse in protecting their rights through the Military Prosecutor's Office and will work to investigate allegations of abuse.

St. Petersburg Humanity & Political Studies Center "Strategy"
To strengthen the work of regional think tanks in northwest Russia. The Center will enable the think tanks to better serve as centers of public policy on local issues and as liaisons between the public and regional authorities. The Center will also organize two training seminars for representatives of regional think tanks and will work with these organizations to develop projects focusing on public involvement in policy issues.

Union of Committees of Soldiers' Mothers
To provide legal assistance to soldiers who have been forced to work in the private sector without compensation. Soldiers' Mothers will pay a small salary to ten regional coordinators to run reception offices for servicemen and their relatives that will be used to monitor forced labor violations. Soldiers' Mothers anticipates bringing charges against several particularly egregious violators of soldiers' rights.

Union of Journalists of Russia-Center for Journalism in Extreme Situations
To monitor, investigate, and distribute information regarding violations of journalists' rights throughout Russia and the former USSR. The Center will conduct investigations into murders, kidnappings, and other forms of violence against journalists to determine if they are politically motivated. The Center will continue to distribute its two weekly electronic bulletins, Dangerous Profession and The Authorities vs. The Press, which catalogue violations of journalists' rights.

Voronezh United Democratic Center
To publish its monthly newspaper, We Are Citizens, which contains information about the activities of local and regional government in Voronezh oblast. The Center will also carry out four roundtables on issues such as budgetary transparency and implementation of housing and utilities reform.

Yaroslavl Regional Public Organization "The Center for Social Partnership"
To raise citizen activism in local government of Yaroslavl oblast. The Center will host a series of one-day public seminars in all of the municipal Okrugs of Yaroslavl oblast, on the theme "Citizens' Participation in Local Self-Government: What's New in Legislation and Practical Work." The Center will also hold four seminars for territorial self-government activists and prepare a series of brochures on local government.

Youth Human Rights Movement
To strengthen existing networks of youth human rights organizations and promote the development of a core group of young human rights activists. YHRM will organize three public campaigns on human rights issues relating to youth, produce a series of publications, and offer a variety of training programs from introductory seminars to advanced workshops and consulting on NGO issues.

Za Prava Cheloveka (ZPC)
To support its network of regional human rights organizations and legal clinics. ZPC will continue to consult with the organizations in its network on the cases they face and will assist regional groups that run into problems with local authorities. In addition, ZPC will provide direct support to six organizations in its network by providing a monthly stipend to the regional directors.
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